Redell Olsen, Mixed Media Collage, 2020
Some of us convert a cupboards to sit in or crouch on the edge of a bed.
The Small Tortoiseshell chrysallis performs a feat equal to this.
We find it difficult to breathe freely but are aware that this is as nothing compared to others.
It grips the remains of the old larval skin between two of its segments, and holds on to this tightly while it draws its tail out of the skin.
We must be available at all times live and unlive for screen work.
And you can see this happen,
We are sold in exchange for rooms that must be rented out according to forces unseen.
The pupation of a caterpillar that hangs by the tail only is more specialised than that of a caterpillar that is supported,
Our face to face is priced accordingly.
Some of us install backgrounds that suggest we are in holiday destinations.