Redell Olsen, Mixed Media Collage, 2020.
{left column to be spoken and slight pause at / }
{right column to be sung echo like after the spoken voice on the left column and following fragments of score from Acis and Galatea - which are heard later. Voices on right to interrupt, o overlap and follow first column voice. Word or fragment should not be sung before the precedent on the left}
Usually cubic and / constituting space. space
In array then. Rays / of imaginary lines ar ray then ray
from beyond lines / of cult perspective. perspective
Apparently back in the / good old war back in the good
defined conditions of the / pinpoint. of the pinpoint
Precision of the sniper. A space / of
noise. Sing then / Noisy space, sing sing then noisy space sing
then of violence / and disappearance, of violence disappearance
what is missed off / unworthy of notice. missed off of notice
Species noise / Noise of wingbeat. Over species noise
looked, overlooking / as just that. Noise, noise sing then
sing then in search / of storms, targets. storms and targets
The gathering of / information on places information
never seen, genus / unknown, sing then sing then
without need of trance / work, clairvoy clairvoyance
ance, sing noise / filled with masked. sing noise sing
Then. Now is it? / Gone yet? No one now sing noise yet
rattling the table / underneath. At sing noise sing
last not seeing / words merely as feelers merely as feelers
for doubt noise / sing then, sing noise noise, sing then, sing noise
The butterflies and / fires are fires are, sing then sing
the music noise / sing then. And it noise, sing then
is not comfortable / Not necessarily sing noise, sing then, sing
always outside / Sometimes the drone noise sing---------------
is forgotten until / it rises back / as in –
cident / it rises, sing noise sing
Extends the remit / of footage taken.
Looking alone / cannot establish a clear a clear, sing
definition of size / shape. Alone with noise
domestic enclosed / looking out. Co - enclosed, looking
shaping of remote / sensing. Sensing remote sensing
remotely. An imaging of / the space of rain. imaging of sing noise, sing
Elsewhere / guessed as / insides of insects insides of insects
rise up in plumes. The shape of a wing beat. rise up in plumes